Solutions for the sustainable use of oceans, seas and rivers

We are a company specialized in applying numerical simulations for aquatic environment studies.

We have always dreamed of helping companies to grow in their businesses without harming the environment. To achieve this Ivan Dias Soares, Oceanographer and Gisele Juglair, Business Administrator, decided in early 2016 to unite our dreams and professional experiences to found Atlantech, which aims to meet the demand of companies that are increasingly aware about offering their services and products in a way that does not harm the population or the environment.

02. Business Partners


Waves and Currents

Study of waves and currents in coastal environments through numerical simulation and / or data observation. Used in the planning of coastal infrastructure and other large-scale projects.

Transportat and Accumulation of Plastic Debris in the Oceans

Study of the dispersion of plastic in the oceans, with emphasis on the identification of low dynamic areas where plastic debris accumulates.

Pollutant Dispersion

Numerical simulation of the dispersion of sewage plumes and other pollutants. Used in the planning of marine outfalls.

Sediment Erosion, Deposition and Transportation

Study of erosion, deposition and sediment transport in beaches, estuaries, coastal lagoons, lagoons and bays. Used in planning the use of such environments as well as definition of dredged material disposal areas.

Port Dredging Feasibility Study

Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and sedimentary dynamics considering current bathymetry and bathymetry altered by dredging. Used mainly in the dredging planning of deepening of navigation channels.

Study of Local Alternatives

Numerical simulation of the implementation of coastal construction projects, considering several scenarios, offering the alternative with the best cost benefit ratio. Mainly used in the implementation of wharfs and piers, as well as coastal erosion containment piers and navigation channels.

04. Projects

Plastic Debris Circulation and Transport in the North Pacific Ocean

Project developed for “The Ocean Cleanup” foundation. It aims to simulate currents and waves in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, known as the Great Pacific Gargage Patch (GPGP), where tons of plastic wastes have been building up for decades. The biggest challenge of the project is to simulate the dynamics of the surface layer of the oceans, which is only a few centimeters thick.

Dynamics of the Southeast Brazilian Continental Shelf focused on the Bay of Paranaguá

In this project, the simulation of the continental shelf dynamics is carried out with the open source numerical model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System). The studied area is the coastal ocean off the Brazilian coast between Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, with higher resolution and detailing of the coast of Paraná, focusing on the Bay of Paranaguá.

Guanabara Bay Water Quality: Dispersion of pollutants

The water quality of the Guanabara Bay is systemically studied in a numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and pollutant dispersion. The biggest challenge is the identification of sources of clandestine pollutants, as well as their locations, discharge intensities and compositions.

05. Blog


Cooperation with the Ocean Cleanup foundation

This year, in July, we will be completing 3 years of our cooperation with The Ocean Clenup (TOC) foundation ( The main objective of this work is to generate numerical results of significant height, period and direction of waves, as…

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Our project in Paraná Continental Shelf

One of our projects of great interest is the PlatSE, or “Dynamics of the Continental Shelf off the Brazilian Southeast Coast”. In this project we do numerical simulations of the ocean currents on the south-east coast of Brazil with focus…

06. Speak with Us

We will use the best technical resources available to deliver reliable, high quality studies, always with close attention and utmost regard to your urgency. We work with open source software and cloud-costumised computing capabilities to meet the needs of each client.

+55 (41) 3209-9557
Monsenhor Ivo Zanlorenzi Street, 2243, Curitiba
Paraná, Brazil, Zip Code 81210-000
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.